Friday, January 29, 2010

The Bible's Powerful Influence

One of the things that prompted me to look into the Bible world through the eyes of scientists, secular historians and others is the Bible's influence on people throughout the world as illustrated by a huge ice sculpture exhibition held in Lufbeck, Germany back in 2006 which had a dramatic Biblical theme illustrated by events and characters from both the Old and New Testaments (the Hebrew and Christian Greek Scriptures) of the Bible.


These included the various stages of earthly creation, Adam and Eve succumbing to temptation from the Serpent, and Noah watching a hippopotamus trying to push its mate through the narrow entrance to the Ark while a small mouse scampers between their feet into the safety of the Ark.


One sculptor or sculptors also created a replica of Moses holding onto the famous stone tablets. However this time the tablets contained not the Ten Commandments Moses brought down from the mountain but the Hebrew renditions of God's personal name: Yahweh or Jehovah as it is pronounced in English.
Other Bible scenes included David first defeating the Philistine giant Goliath with his slingshot and his seduction by Bathsheba as he secretly watches her bathing, as well as other Bible characters such as Jacob, Esau, and Joseph and the Egyptian Pharaoh – and of course the portrayal of Jesus' birth and the Last Supper.
Jana Kurbis and his artistic team created all of this from 350 tons of crystal clear ice blocks measuring 2 metres by 1 metre by 0.6 metres that they imported from Belgium. They transformed these blocks into the Biblical characters with chainsaws, chisels, toothbrushes, and other tools.


Whether they did all of this merely as an artistic exercise or whether they were inspired by their belief in the Bible I don't know for sure, but it was likely a combination of both because many persons in the world do still believe in the Bible as you will see if you continue with me through this blog of Bible Science Investigation.





Monday, January 11, 2010

Not All Scientists Claim Belief in God and the Bible is Nonsense

Not. many scientists, something like 40 percent believe in God -- men such such mathematician Andrew McIntosh, a Welsh scientist. He says: " As a scientist  I look at the world around me and observe  engineering mechanisms of such remarkable complexity that I am drawn to the  conclusion of intelligent design being behind such complex order."

Another scientist,  Canadian biochemist John G. Kramer have made similar comments. He said: " The complexity of nature clearly points to a Creator. Every biological and physical system, once understood, shows incredible complexity."

The views of these two scientists are supported by many of their peers -- men such as Jean Dorst, a biologist from France;  Bob Hosken, an Australian biochemist; Andrey Dimitriyevitch Sakharov, a Russian nuclear physicist;  All of them see the hand of a Creator in the wonders and complexities of the universe around them.

Who is right?  To find out I am going to take a trip, as it were, through the Bible to  take a close look at the Bible through through the eyes of some of these scientists as well to take a look at the Bible world,  including Bible writers, Bible characters and the world they lived in.  Want to come along?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Science Has Not Destroyed Bible Credibility

Although the Bible has surpassed any other publication in its durability and number of copies printed as well as in the number of languages it is printed in and has probably had a greater influence on the thinking of people throughout history than any other book, 

Many scientists and others also attack it is a quaint collection of myths and allegories and ideas of men. But are their allegations true? What do the facts really prove about the Bible?

To start with, what of the allegation that modern science has destroyed the credibility of the Bible's historical record of creation and the early history of man and its claim of divine inspiration? Is that really so?

Professor of nuclear physics, Gerald Schroeder in the publication The Science of God – the Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom
said: "The entire development of animal life is summarized in eight biblical sentences....It is modern science that has come to match the biblical account of our genesis."

Because of this and other accounts I have discovered proving that not all scientists follow the "party line" of there being no God and man got here through some mindless evolutionary development I have decided to take a trip through the Bible considering evidence about its history, its writers, and their accuracy as well as other Bible characters and the peoples and lands of the Bible through the eyes of scientists and historians. 

Why not come along with me?