Amazing Accuracy After Thousands of Years
The accuracy of both the Hebrew Scriptures ( the Old Testament to many) as well as the Christian Greek Scriptures ( the New Testament in some Bibles) has been preserved through the efforts of skilled professional and amateur copyists over the centuries since their original inspire writing by Moses and other writers.
It is true that the original papyrus and parchments copies disintegrated centuries ago but accurate copies of the original text have being preserved through the efforts of the ancient copyists who went to extraordinary lengths to ensure the accuracy of their copy work. They checked their copies word for word against first the original text written by Moses and other inspired writers and then carefully reproduced copies over the following centuries.
The Sopherim were the first professional copyists who reproduced high- quality copies of the Hebrew Scriptures for public and private worship. Tthey were especially active during and after the Jewish captivity in Babylon during the Sixth and Fifth centuries (B.C.E.) Before our Common Era.
Between the Seventh and Tenth centuries of our Common Era (C.E.) the Masoretes took over this task. These too were dedicated professional scribes who worked only from properly authenticated copies of the Hebrew Scriptures. They copied nothing from memory and like their predecessors, the Sopherim, checked each letter before copying it.
According to Professor Norman K. Gotwald in his book A Light to the Nations these scribes meticulously proofread each copy and discarded flawed ones.
Yes some mistakes did creep in but the differences in wording between the original writers and the copyists" is really insignificant. The discovery and checking of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 proved that. And the editors of the Books of The Old Testament confirms this assuring us that, "that we need have no serious to the validity of the message that the Old Testament has to give us."
Christian Greek Scriptures Just As Accurate
It is true that the copyists of the Christian Greek Scriptures or New Testament were gifted amateurs rather than professionals like the Sopherim and Masoretic scribes, but they were just as dedicated and when their work is compared with earlier copies of the Christian Greek Scriptures it is vindicated.
In the opinion of researchers like archaeologist Sir Frederic Kenyon our copies of the Christian Greek Scriptures today are authentic copies with no disagreement in meaning between our copies and the originals of Mathew and other inspired Christian writers
So erase any worries you have about the authenticity of what you are reading despite what some critics might claim in their efforts to gain their 15 minutes of fame.