Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Genealogies Critical to Israelites

Many persons today go to extraordinary lengths to trace their family ancestry sometimes to be able to share in inheritances, but often just for personal satisfaction.  To the ancient Israelites, however, it was a much more serious matter.

The keeping of accurate genealogies played a number of critical roles for individuals as well as the nation as a whole.

First of all, in order to exercise any civic rights  an Israelite man had to prove his pure connection to one of the tribes -- with no fleshly connection to the Ammonite or Moabite race for instance, according to Deuteronomy 23: 2,3, according to scholar Joachim Jeremias. Beyond that accurate geanologies were also critical in establishing, "tribal and family relationships and determining land divisions and inheritances.

And on a national level, according to Jeremias such family records were also critical  to protective the purity of the hereditary line of Levites and Aaronic priests. "It was imperative that the purity of line remain unblemished," says Jeremias.

They went to great lengths to achieve this goal such as insisting that women wanting to marry into priestly families had to prove  their hereditary background was pure and disqualifying entire families claiming a Levitical history in Nehemia's day after Cyrus freed them from Babylonian captivity when these families  could not produce genealogical proof of their claims.

The Bible is perhaps one of the best example of an accurate genealogical record proving without a doubt that Jesus was the promised Messiah a descendant of the line of King David of the Tribe of Judah the Bible said he would be.

(See "Evidence All Around us" Below)

Evidence All Around Us

I believe it was the Apostle Paul who wrote them we have no reason for doubting the existing of God because of the evidence all around us in nature.

And nature does tell a compelling story of his existence when we observe its beauty and think about the marvelous skills these plants and animals have.   Only a fool would think that something as marvelous a the Space Station requires careful design and construction techniques, but our marvelous earth with its diverse forms of life and their intricate designs and skills -- which humans often try to mimic -- all happened by accident. 

Look up "Box Fish" for instance, either on line or in a print publication and you will see an example of such creations we are surrounded by.

Do you really think such crations just popped up by blind chance through the forces of "Mother Nature"?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Excitement Over God Particle

Now there is lot of excitement in the scientific world about the supposed discovery of the "God Particle" -- that some claim will help them to understand how the universe began.

Don't get too excited about this though. How do we know that  the self-appointed "scientific clergy" are going to be able to  correctly -- s or honestly -- interpret what they find?

When you stop to think about think  about the number of times scientists have changed their minds about such relatively minor things like whether or not coffee is good or bad for you -- the number of different theories about the "Big Ban" that allegedly started the whole universe growing -- or the number of times you hear about dishonesty in scientific discoveries any claims about how the universe just happened by accident have to viewed for what they are --more desperate attempts to prove that God is not necessary.