Did Jesus Die On A Cross?
Asccording to Catholic archaeologist-writer Adolphe Napoleon Didron this cross has received just as much – and in some cases more veneration than Jesus Christ himself. Didron says, " This sacred wood is adored almost equally with God himself."
But did he really die on a cross? And if not where did this idea come from? It did not come from the Bible. Bible writers Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John say that Jesus was put to death on a stake or stau-ros
Not a two-piece cross. And years later the Apostle Paul wrote at Acts 5:30 that Jesus was put to death on a tree -- not a stake.
Secular writers and artists agree with this. In his book The Non-Christian Cross J.D. Parsons wrote, "There is no place in the Christian Greek Scriptures or New Testament that supports the idea that Jesus died on a cross." And ancient illustrations show the Romans executing people on trees – not stakes.
It was not until some 300 years after the death of Jesus that the idea that he was impaled on a cross was introduced into Christian beliefs by those who were influenced by ancient Babylonian worship of the fertility goddess Tammuz which involved the use of the cross.
Some persons that it is not important whether Jesus is depicting as dying on a cross or a stake but this is definitely not true. The use of this cross was something that God condemned in his commands to the Israelites at Ezekiel 8: 13,14.
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